Just Keeping Track For Myself

"When white would embrace what is right..." is what was prayed for at the inauguration of our new president, Mr. Obamanation. Well, they're getting what they prayed for.
This white girl is embracing what is right.
Right wing, baby!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009


From a digest article by Mark Alexander:
"What the president has given to our enemies is a treasure chest of defensive weapons. Within the caves of the mountainous Pakistan/Afghanistan border, Islamofascist plotters must wonder how self-destructively corrupt their American adversaries have to be to allow such materials to land in their hands. The piece of information that may be of most value to terrorists is the government's assessment that waterboarding was 'the most traumatic of the enhanced interrogation techniquesâ?? and implicitly the most effective. ...Presumably the issue is academic since the Obama administration has officially prohibited waterboarding. There is no more valuable tool for subjects of interrogation than to know what they will be subjected to. How in good conscience could our president have given this gift to those trying to destroy us?"

I'm very irritated that classified secrets have been given to our enemies by the current administration. Why would you do that? Just thinking of my own job as a substitute, that is extremely harmful to our country. I would never walk into a class of 7th graders after the school's principal had announced that referrals would no longer be written. They might as well tell the kids to do whatever they want because there is no form of punishment, except the possibility of having to get sent to the hall. Which would be fine with them, the hall is air conditioned, quiet and close to their lockers and has no immediate supervision. Sometimes unpleasant tactics are required, especially when dealing with murderous criminals. I'm not saying that waterboarding should be used on 7th graders (although sometimes it would seem appropriate for their behavior), but it is appropriate when thousands of lives are hinged on what information can be obtained from those being interrogated.

BO actions have yet again shown America that he has no regard for our Country.

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