Just Keeping Track For Myself

"When white would embrace what is right..." is what was prayed for at the inauguration of our new president, Mr. Obamanation. Well, they're getting what they prayed for.
This white girl is embracing what is right.
Right wing, baby!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Sometimes it feels so overwhelming trying to keep up with all the crap that is going on in politics. When you finally feel like you're starting to see the whole big picture and can keep up with the treason, something new pops up. And every time I hear something new, I feel so ignorant for not having seen it or caught it sooner.
Like Al Gore's speech during BO's inauguration. I was so upset with BO's original speech to the school kids, yet Gore was able to sneak stuff into his speech this last January. Speaking to a bunch of 13-17 year old honor students, Gore said "Look, there's a lot of things you understand instinctively but your parents don't because they're just too trapped in old thinking."
Gore is referring to his stupid environmentalist agenda he's constantly pushing. He compared today's environmental issues to the 1960's issues of race, as if they're somehow the same thing or even closely related. People are NOT trapped into "old thinking." They're just remembering how poorly the government takes care of things, and they're not fooled by his claims that the world is melting. So where does Gore get off bad mouthing the parents of these kids who obviously are bright students and probably so because of their parents? Maybe he was just ignored with a shrug of shoulders and saying, "Eh, it's Gore. What does he know?"

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