Just Keeping Track For Myself

"When white would embrace what is right..." is what was prayed for at the inauguration of our new president, Mr. Obamanation. Well, they're getting what they prayed for.
This white girl is embracing what is right.
Right wing, baby!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chimp Vs. Beheaded Woman (Politically correct!)

Not that this has anything to do with Mr. Prez... but it was very interesting...

"We’re professional cynics at IHateTheMedia.com. We searched Google News for both stories. Here, unfortunately, is what we found:The monkey scored a whopping 2,943 articles in the two days since it occurred. But the far more important story of the Muslim TV executive who decapitated his wife in an “honor killing” racked up a meager 990 articles over six days.It appears that most major media outlets completely ignored the latter story for several days and then neglected to mention “honor killing” aspect of the story when they finally did report it.Is this a case of political correctness run amok or just another example of the media’s tendency to glorify the truly trivial? You be the judge."

A MONKEY! Travis was a freaking chimp!!! This woman was human!!!!
Ironic that the man who murdered his wife started the TV station to show the "softer" side of Muslims?

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