Just Keeping Track For Myself

"When white would embrace what is right..." is what was prayed for at the inauguration of our new president, Mr. Obamanation. Well, they're getting what they prayed for.
This white girl is embracing what is right.
Right wing, baby!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

America: NOT a Christian nation

Barack said in a foreign speech this last week that 'One of the greatest things about America is that we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.'

In what world are we not a Christian nation? Research shows that a significant proportion of the United States is Christian, the minorities being every other non-Christian religion. Our Founding Fathers were Christian, and they based most everything that put the United States together on Christian principles. We ARE a Christian nation.

Barack hates America. Without even listening to anything he says, just looking at what he does. His actions speak for themselves, he is driving the greatest nation in the world into the ground. He is as Anti-American as they can come.

There are so many things I see on a daily basis that I want to blog about but it's getting harder to keep up with all the crap he is doing. I will just say right now I blame all the ignorant morons and their stupid "We Can/We Did" attitude who voted for him for the hell we are going through and will be going through. So congrats, idiots. YOU DID screw the rest of us over. The damage that he is doing is going to last longer than his office term. I hope people will learn from their stupidity and never vote anyone like this into office again.

1 comment:

Mach Momma said...

Have you read "Five Thousand Year Leap" by Cleon Skousen? He talks about the 28 principles the Founders based this nation on. It's SO Good. The first principle is God Law or Natural Law. My advice, just pick up the book and read a principle that interests you. #6 made me giddy. "All Men Created Equal" It's not the governments job to provide equal things...
Your blog Rocks!