Just Keeping Track For Myself

"When white would embrace what is right..." is what was prayed for at the inauguration of our new president, Mr. Obamanation. Well, they're getting what they prayed for.
This white girl is embracing what is right.
Right wing, baby!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sheriff Gets Harassed by Feds for Arresting Illegals

Finally someone will actually treat the USA with respect!

A sheriff has decided enough is enough and has been arresting illegal immigrants at the drop of a hat. If someone who fits the description of an illegal immigrant commits a minor traffic violation, cops are pulling them over and sending them packing. Apparently the Feds are not OK with that and have said he's not allowed to seek them out specifically. Lame!!! He's doing a fabulous job! I am so proud of this guy-seriously it takes some guts to do what he is doing and I applaud him for it. The fewer illegals we have the better, I say.
Man, nothing made me more furious the other night than watching the woman in front of me who was wearing really nice clothing using a "Lone Star" (welfare) card to pay for the crap she was buying at Wal Mart. She barely spoke English. I had to go to another line I was so angry. What gives people the right to show up over here and mooch off hard working citizens??? I'm sick of it. They're a drain on society and I want them back in their own country... if they want to take the time to become a legitimate citizen, they can stay. If not, they better go. In fact, they shouldn't be allowed to stay here at all unless they're currently a citizen. I wish we had more sheriffs that could stand up for what is right. And I wish we could send them to Washington to clean house as well.

1 comment:

Mach Momma said...

My thoughts exactly. I couldn't written it better myself. Great post.